To reduce the carbon footprint of the built environment, a significant overhaul of the existing housing stock is essential. This entails not only ensuring proper insulation and airtightness in residences but also optimizing their ventilation systems. To precisely gauge the impact of an advanced ventilation system, the use of a pressure node model, such as multizone ventilation models like COMIS or TNO's AirMAPs model, is indispensable. However, when dealing with existing dwellings, numerous unknown variables, including interior door usage, can introduce substantial variations in results. A simplified approach can also lead to reduced calculation times. This paper employs a simplified approach, comparing advanced ventilation solutions in a specific dwelling based on limited building and user behaviour data. We present the current progress in modelling choices, and the initial results are promising. Initial results from the first comparison between the Dutch standard ventilation method (BKN) and the single-zone model are promising. When examining manually operated mechanical exhaust and natural supply systems (C1) alongside manually operated balanced heat recovery systems (D2), the ventilation flows align well. Furthermore, the CO2-controlled systems demonstrate a reasonable and as might be expected reduction of ventilation flows in relation to the actual CO2-control as being used .
Calculation of the effect of ventilation measures in existing dwellings to reduce the carbon footprint

Languages: English | Pages: 8 pp
Bibliographic info:
43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent - 9th venticool Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark - 4-5 October 2023