Kajtár, L.; Leitner, A.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

Gaseous emission - CO2, NO, and NOx of gas stove has significant and harmful effect on indoorair quality (IAQ) in residential kitchens. To avoid increasing health risk it is essential touse mechanical ventilation such as kitchen hood. However, according former laboratory studies,extract air flow generated by typical hoods is not adequate to achieve required IAQ. Thusthere is an increasing need to develop a new kitchen ventilation system and to estimate therequired exhaust ventilation rate.In order to describe required ventilation of kitchens, emission of gas stoves has been investigatedfor years at Department of Building Service Engineering, BUTE. Laboratory and fieldstudies were carried out, afterwards, based on the results, pollutant distribution was describedby CFD simulation (FLOVENT).In this paper an overview of method and results of CFD modelling is published.