A cleaning concept consists of an evaluation procedure for estimating the need of cleaning, atheoretical model to design a rotating duct cleaning brush, cleaning methods and a verificationmethod of the cleaning result of HVAC system. The visual evaluation method with a videocamera and a display has been developed for a primary method to evaluate cleanliness beforeand after the cleaning work. The results obtained with the theoretical model of the brush werein good agreement with those obtained in the laboratory tests. A cleaning brush with a specialY-gear for rectangular ducts was developed and tested in the laboratory. Additionally, a brushcleaning machine with high torque and adjustable brush speed was developed.
A cleaning concept for HVAC system

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 3, pp 453-459, 4 Fig., 27 Ref.