Izard J L, Agliany B
Bibliographic info:
France, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment, proceedings of the Second International Conference on Buildings and the Environment, held Paris, June 9-12 1997, Volume 2, pp 419-427.

The high environmental_ quality of the buildings in the south of France requires a good control of the summer thermal comfort. For economical and ecological reasons this purpose must be reached essentially by architectural design. In the program "Haute Qualite Environnementale" of the "Plan-Construction". 58 collective housings have been built in Nice in a dense urban zone with a principal consideration to the summer comfort, specially to allow a good transversal ventilation in the moderate hot and humid climate of this city. Every housing is "transversal", even the most small, thanks to a distribution by external coursives. The position of the rooms have been chosen in order to avoid a direct exposition of bedrooms to the noise of the street. Endly, a special shutter is used in the living-rooms upon this street. Which presents in the same time a great acoustic insulation and an aeraulic permeability for the natural ventilation. Measurements have been made during the summer 1996 in order to show the thermal performance of these housings according to the occupant behaviour in front of the natural ventilation and to know the real acoustic, thermal and aeraulic effects of the special shutter. The main results of these measurements are presented in this communication.