The idea of using one-dimensional fillers as a reinforcingagent is nothing new: straw has been used to reinforcemud bricks since about 4000 BC. Mud brick is sustainable and traditional material which is used in large scales of building houses in hot-arid climate, so it is identity of these areas and it is not able to be ignored. Finding some solutions for reinforcing mud brick or in other word, creating innovative materials for the climate is the aim of this article.This paper describes a first approach towards the applicationof Carbon Nanotube as replacement for traditional reinforcements such as straw, date fibers, cinder, in mud brick houses. Carbon Nanotubes are molecular-scale tubes of graphitic carbon with outstanding properties.This article discusses about the way of combination of Clay and Carbon Nanotube, their properties and can this combination replace inside of mud brick or no. In addition, because of existing the hexagonal forms of Carbon Nanotubecan increase the sustainability of this new material.In fact a mud brick as a building material have been remained during different periods of history, is still used as a building material and a configuring element to any architectural structure but with a modern vision.Therefore, it is imperative to find a low cost industrial replacement for the cane, capable of providing the adobemasonry with sufficient confinement as to withstand a severe earthquake without collapse. The combination of clay and Nanotube Carbon, because of some propertiesis introduced as potential alternative to reinforce masonry elements. Hence, its use is attractive for the reinforcement of adobe structures since it could become a replacement for the cane reinforcement.Because the hexagonal form is one of the sustainable forms in nature. Finally, this innovativeMaterial can be used in building with low energy coolingand new technologies. It is the theoretical developmentof this idea that here we are paying attention.
The combination of clay and nanotube carbon as an innovative and sustainable material

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007