This paper examines the performance of a large new multi storey building which relies exclusively on natural ventilation. The building is designed to provide the main library and associated functions for Coventry University. The research outlines the sophisticated control systems necessary for such a building and provides an analysis of the strategies and techniques required for its implementation. A case study of user satisfaction demonstrates that a large naturally ventilated building can provide a pleasant comfortable environment for occupants. However, the survey also reveals that such buildings can pose acoustic problems, these being due mainly to the form and fabric required for successful operation of the ventilation system. This aspect of the construction is investigated and remedies are explored.
Comfort and Acoustic Monitoring in a Large Naturally Ventilated Technically Advanced Building
Bibliographic info:
The International Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 2 N°1, June 2003, pp 1-14, 14 Fig., 1 Tab., 6 Ref.