At room temperatures ranging from 28 to 35°C, three sensitive body parts were each exposed to local cooling airflow. Dressed in shorts, 30 randomly selected male subjects were exposed to each condition for 30 minutes and reported their local thermal sensations of all body parts, overall thermal sensation, thermal acceptability and comfort on voting scales at regular intervals. Local cooling affected local thermal sensations of the uncooled body parts significantly, based on which an influencing factor method was proposed and the overall thermal sensation model for local cooling was established. Non-uniformity of thermal sensation affected overall thermal acceptability significantly. Overall thermal acceptability and comfort were highly correlated under uniform and non-uniform conditions. Comfort model for local cooling was proposed and it shows by the model that the upper boundary of the acceptable room temperature range can be shifted from 26°C to 30.5°C when face cooling is provided.
Comfort model for local cooling
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2007, Beijing, China