The paper compares a long and short term study of naturally ventilated buildings in a city in western Iran. For the hot season the neutral temperatures from the short and long term studies were 28.4 and 26.7 deg. C. For the cold season the short and long term neutral temperatures were 20.8 and 21.2 deg. C. Good agreement is shown between both studies. The results showed how acceptable conditions varied widely, a good relationship between neutral temperature and room temperature and between indoor comfort and outdoor conditions. States that the indications are that the people in the study could achieve comfort at higher indoor air temperatures compared with the recommendations of international standards.
A comparative analysis of short-term and long-term thermal comfort surveys in Iran.

Bibliographic info:
Energy and Buildings, Vol 34, 2002, pp 607-614, 6 figs, 5 tabs, 16 refs.