In this study, CFD models are used to test the performance of alternate design strategies as applied to a single data space. Specifically, a shell space is taken through a design process that leads to two separate designs for data center cooling one using overhead supply air distribution, the other using an underfloor supply air plenum. Then, using methods developed by Sharma, Bash, and Chandrakant (Dimensionless Parameters for Evaluation of Thermal Design and Performance of
Large-Scale Data Centers, AIAA, 2002), the performance of each system is evaluated quantitatively for its ability to effectively deliver cold air to the inlets of equipment cabinets within the space. Additionally, the ability to provide efficient cooling is evaluated parametrically for each system as a function of the ratio of system supply air to cabinet air.
Comparison of overhead vs underfloor air distribution in data centers using CFD modelling
Bibliographic info:
Ashrae 2005 Annual meeting -Technical and symposium papers-, Denver, June 2005, pp 9