This paper deals with tomographic techniques for two-dimensional spatially resolved concentrationmeasurements indoors. This represents a significant advance over the traditional point measuring method for mapping tracer gas and pollutants. Methods for recording of data are stressed as well as different types of tomographic reconstruction algorithms such as the Smooth Basis Function Minimization (SBFM) and the modified Low Third Derivative (LTDm) methods. Among the reconstruction algorithms available today, SBFM and LTDm are among the most promising. These algorithms show potential for reconstruction of gas concentration in rooms, since they are regularized to converge towards smooth concentration distributions. Using the LTD method and snapshot configuration enables the examination and real-time monitoring of transient flows.
Computed Tomography for Indoor Applications

Bibliographic info:
The International Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 4 N°4, March 2006, pp 349-364