An automated 10-point air sampling network which uses an electron capture detector gas chromatograph to continuously measure changes in sulfur hexafluoride tracer concentration in a residential environment will be described. The injection of the tracer is controlled by a microprocessor which decides to inject sulfur hexafluoride tracer to return its concentration to a preprogrammed set point. Infiltration rates from fan induced pressurization will be compared to the infiltration rates as reported from the replacement of sulfur hexafluoride tracer. The tracer will be injected at one of threelocations. The resulting tracer concentration, which is computed as either a simple average or a volume weighted average by location, will be compared tothe fan induced infiltration rate.
The continuous analysis of air infiltration in a residential environment.

Bibliographic info:
Indoor Air. Vol 5. Buildings, Ventilation and Thermal Climate. Edited by B Berglund, T Lindvall, J Sundell. Swedish Council for Building Research, 1984. 465-469, 1 fig, 5 refs.