The work presented here is a design and implementation of PID control system to regulate a supply duct outlet air temperature in PEM (Personal Environment Module). Simulation is done first to understand the relationship between a temperature distribution in task space, flow rate and the outlet air temperature of PEM. Then a linear dynamic model of heating process of PEM is obtained P, PD, and PID type control systems, to provide the rapid response without overshoot and saturation, are designed and implemented. Experimentally obtained data shows that the control system satisfies the design criteria and works properly in controlling the supply duct outlet air temperature.
A control of supply duct outlet air temperature in PEM.

Bibliographic info:
Hong Kong, City University, Division of Building Science and Technology, 2001, proceedings of IAQVEC 2001, "Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings: Fourth International Conference", held Changsha, Hunan, China, 2-5 October, 2