Yuji Hukushima, Yasuo Utsumi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Yoshimi Ishikawa, Mitsuo Suzuki and Tatsuya Yamashita
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 6, 1999, Kyoto, Japan, p. 947-953

This paper is focused on the evaluation of simulation system using the experiment result and the con- figuration of peri-counter which is the part of counter unit setting at bottom of window side with heat panel to avoid the influence of cold draft, utilizing simu- lation system. The simulation shows similar flow pattern to full scale experiment and consequent simu- lations indicate that cold draft does not flow into interior zone when the heat generation rate exceeds heat loss from the window in most cases. When the heat generation portion is 75% of heat loss from the window, some cases which have certain configuration of peri-counter successfully avoids the influence of draft without fan.