It is a well notorious fact that if you get below the surfaceof the earth a few meters, the temperature tends to be constant and at 8 to 12 degrees, depending on latitude.So, it does not take an architect to appreciate that if you could move outside air through a buried pipe, you could alter its temperature and then move it into a house where it can warm or cool the homes interior.Underground temperatures can be very beneficial in balancingthe thermal comfort of the house. Normally we think more about the above ground temperatures and other climatic elements in designing a house for thermal comfort. One of the important problems which architectmust thinking on when he start to create an efficient cooling system by using earth inertia is the amount of heat conducted and who widely it is diffused varies from one soil type to another. The moisture content of the soil is a major influence on conductivity and diffusivity, and accounts for large variations on how heat moves through the earth. Another problem is the sizing of the cooling system which must pass the living space area.The better design use and understanding of these elementsand resolve the problems for create a naturally comfortable house. This method of cooling is cost effective,not damaging to the environment, and is a natural way to cool off. The air cools in the chamber overnight, and is circulated through the house during the heat of the day. Passive cooling is using natural building techniques for sustainable house design in indoorareas with extreme. It is important to understand that soils temperatures during the summer season at certain depths are considerably lower than ambient air temperature, thus providing an important source for dissipationof a houses excess heat. Conduction or convectioncan achieve heat dissipation to the ground. Earth sheltering achieves cooling by conduction where part of the building envelope is in direct contact with the soil. Totally underground spaces offer many additional advantages including protection from noise, dust, radiationand storms, limited air infiltration. The concept of earth cooling uses the thermal inertia of the earth to maintain internal temperatures below ambient in summer.This kind of energy is successful and efficient with employment air such element of transporting colt.
Cooling by underground earth tubes

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007