Correlates hourly infiltration in 3 adjacent unoccupied test houses to determine the relative contribution of wind and stack effects. The database, obtained using tracer gas techniques over 2000 hourly readings in each house, is sorted to a single 45 degree sector. Different weather sealing techniques give mean infiltration rates of 0.19, 0.45, and 0.59 ach for the 3 houses. Addition of independent wind and temperature induced pressures correlate only part of the weather induced data variability leaving a residual RMS scatter of about 0.004 ach.
Correlating measured infiltration for wind from a single direction.

Bibliographic info:
Preprint Ashrae Transactions 1983 vol.89 pt.2A and B 16pp. 6 tabs. 11 figs. #DATE 01:01:1983 in English