Designing a ventilation system for a laboratory is challenging not only because these facilities consume a lot of energy and may contain materials that are toxic, flammable, explosive, infectious, or radioactive, but because standards and codes concerning them are revised often to reflect stricter health and safety requirements and improvements in technology. This article will discuss recent and proposed changes to four important standards and codes: ANSI /AIHA (American National Standards Institute/ American Industrial Hygiene Assn.) Z9.5-1992; ASHRAE Standard 110-1995 Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods; California Code of Regulation, Title 8, Section 5154.1, Ventilation requirements for laboratory-type hood operations; NFPA (National Fire Protection Assn.) 45 Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using chemicals, 2000 Eidtion.
Designing lab ventilation to emerging standards.
Bibliographic info:
HPAC Engineering, October 2001, pp 33-42, 1 fig.