Residential buildings consume about a third of the UKs total energy and the need to reduce this as part of achieving the 2050 CO2 emissions targets driving the interest the modelling and performance simulation of homes. While simulation and modelling tools are in wide spread use, the detailed empirical data with which to understand the effect of systems and opera-tional complexities of households on the consumption of energy is less developed than it is for commercial buildings. This paper reports some early results from a whole house monitoring trial in the UK where high resolution measurements of gas, hot water and power are being used to disaggregate heat use. The study has shown that: equipment used for domestic heat gen-eration varies considerably between households; gas demand is highly variable at the sub-hourly level, far greater than some of the available hourly monitored data would suggest; and that the current information on hot water consumption characteristics is poor and so some new, more comprehensive data is presented.