A set of geometry translation tools and capabilities have been developed to increase base efficiencies in the simulation of both the internal and external environment of buildings. The tools allows us to build a 3D model in one package and then translate the geometry for use in a number of other simulation packages that we use. Though not a unique concept, it does allow the use of preferred software for undertaking the building of the 3D model. This removes us from being restricted to one single integrated simulation package and any inherent limitations that such software may carry. A 3D model developed by architects in a CAD package can also be translated and used for simulation purposes. Major efficiencies in time are achieved in the real world from developing and using translation tools for simulation software. A discussion is presented in the paper comparing and contrasting the performance of the tools developed to the International Alliance for Interoperability’s (IAI) Industry Foundation Class (IFC) system for interoperability.
Development of base efficiencies in building environment simulation for building simulation 2003 conference

Bibliographic info:
BUILDING SIMULATION, 8, 2003, Eindhoven, Netherlands, p. 1251-1256