Novel indoor air purification technology using ions generated by discharge plasma has beendeveloped. The effect of ions on airborne influenza virus has been investigated by the plaquemethod using MDCK cells and the hemagglutination test. It has been discovered that theseions can inactivate influenza virus in air world first. The infection rate of influenza virus toMDCK cells has been drastically reduced with the use of ions generated by the developeddevice. Furthermore the efficacy tests of these ions for polio virus and coxsackie virus havebeen performed. The significant decreases of these viruses with the operation of the devicehave been observed similarly.
Development of novel air purification technology using ions generated by discharge plasma: (ii) inactivation of influenza virus in air

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 660-665, 8 Fig., 3 Ref.