The first part of this article insists on the importance of a good ventilation system (polluted air exhaust, humidity, filtration, VOCs exhaust). The second part deals with a test house, equipped with either decentralized or centralized ventilation system. CO2 and ventilation rate measurements being compared, the validation of a model for the determination of the indoor CO2 concentration levels in one room of the house has been made.
Then several ventilation scenarios are numerically studied, concerning one of the decentralized ventilation system with base ventilation rate during non-occupation, no ventilation during non-occupation, and normal ventilation rate one hour before the beginning of occupation. The comparison of the calculated CO2 concentration levels is made.
Dezentrale Lüftungsanlagen im praktischen Einsatz Decentralized ventilation systems in practice

Bibliographic info:
HLH, 3/2004, p.79-84, 6 Fig, 3 Tab., 7 Ref.