Air velocities, air temperatures and dust and fluoride concentrations were measured in a burning shop of a pellet plant. The results show that there is a clear relationship between the air velocities, air temperatures and airpollution concentrations. The air flow pattern consists of an air current which rises above the burning machine as a result of convection and escapes through roof grates. Air is supplied through facade grates. The transport of air and polluting substances, especially in the cross direction of the hallindicates the influence of the wind. The ventilation rate of the hall is determined by calculation and by measurements. The results of both determinations are in good agreement with each other.
The diffusion of particulate and gaseous air pollution in a pellet plant. Ausbreitung von Staub -und gasformigen luftverunreinigungen in einer Pelletfabrik.

Bibliographic info:
Staub - Reinhalt.Luft October 1978 vol.38 no.10 p.413-417 11 figs. 4 refs.