This paper compares the practice of dilution ventilation (DILVENT), which ideally requires perfect mixing, with displacement ventilation (DISPVENT), which involves fresh air displacing contaminated air without mixing. Keeping DILVENT as a reference the approach of intervention was used to estimate the potential of DISPVENT for improving environmental conditions in a garment sewing plant. Air exchange efficiency of DILVENT came to 49%. DISPVENT improved the efficiency lo a level of 57%. At workstation level DISPVENT improved air renewal by a factor of 1 .3. DJSPVENT reduced exposure to nonrespirable particles by a factor of 1.6-2 .8. Exposure to respirable dust was reduced, but formaldehyde concentrations were left unaffected. DISPVENT improved conditions for control of bystander exposure by a factor of 7.7. DISPVENT improved thermal conditions. Draft risk was reduced by a factor of 1.9. It is concluded that DISPVENT has potential for improving environmental conditions in industry.
Dilution versus displacement ventilation - environmental conditions in a garment sewing plant
Bibliographic info:
USA, AM Ind. Hyg. Assoc. Journal, vol 55, no 2, 1994, pp 140-148