The paper presents the results of the tests of two-zone airflow pattern forming in a room with displacement ventilation where various heat sources and various airflow rates were tested. The position of the interface layer between the zones was determined experimentally - on the basis of tracer gas concentration measurement and on the way of calculation - on the basis of the plume model above a point heat source complemented with experiment. The following heat sources were used: a plume simulator, a desk lamp, a computer, a round plate and a human body. Quasi laminar diffusers supplied the air. The test results show that in order to define the interface position in displacement ventilation where real extensive heat sources are used, it is possible to apply the experimentally completed model of plume above a point heat source.
Displacement ventilation forming at different air flow rates.

Bibliographic info:
20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference "Ventilation and indoor air quality in buildings", Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-13 August 1999