This study introduces a novel conceptual design of a mobile DV cooling unit that is aimed to support the ventilation and reinforce the thermal stratification in DV rooms. Supplying filtered chilled air from at low height, the portable DV unit (PDV unit) functions as if it is a typical DV diffuser. Moreover, the PDV unit employs heat exhausted from the heat pump to reinforce the temperature gradient by injecting the hot air flow in the upper zone of the room. Utilizing the exhaust air makes the PDV unit entirely ductless which adds to its flexibility placed in to balance the airflow. In this study, the vertical distribution of particulate matter and temperature stratification were examined by zonal model and experimental measurements in room with this novel portable displacement ventilation cooling unit. As a conclusion, from the experiment, DV capacity of PDV unit was turned out, and the effects of airflow rates of DV and PDV unit on the performance were made clear.
Distribution of Particulate Matter Concentration and Temperature Stratification Examined by Zonal Model and Experimental Measurements in Room with A Novel Portable Displacement Ventilation Cooling Unit
Languages: English | Pages: 10 pp
Bibliographic info:
43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent - 9th venticool Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark - 4-5 October 2023