Part 1: Introduction and procedures for reducing health risks from radon.Part 2: Properties of radon and radon daughters - includes a suggested table of radiation sourcesand percentage doses within the EC .Part 3: Health Risk Considerations - summarises health risk factors and refers to the WHOguidelines of 1986 and the EC report on radon research in the Union of 1997.Part 4: Detection Techniques and Equipment - alpha-track, charcoal canister, electret, grab samplers, continuous working level and continuous radon monitors. Includes the importance of collaboration, assessment methods and the training of personnel.Part 5: Remedial techniques - improved ventilation, mechanical barrier, sumps and positive pressure ventilation.Part 6: Consumer / Client / Contractor Relationships - a suggested Code of Practice for the guidance of businesses, employers, research organisations and consultants.Part 7: Reporting of data - covers the useful exchange of information concerning radon throughERRICCA and EC meetings. If agreeable to those concerned, suggests a formal database organised by the EC and mounted on a website. This part also recommends consideration for a small ad hoc radon scientific committee within the EC, excluding purely commercial organisations.Part 8: National Legislation - it is suggested that if ERRICCA endorses the desirability of aDirective on radon, that consideration be given to it producing guidelines which harmonise with the most current practices throughout Europe.
Draft directive on radon gas and reducing health risks an outline for discussion by erricca
Bibliographic info:
Radon in the Living Environment, 1999, Athens, Greece