Kephalopoulos, S.; Gallo, G.; Fuchs, M.; Karjalainen, T.; van Torgelen, B.; Elsberger, M.; Bowie, R.
Bibliographic info:
EnVIE Conference on Indoor Air Quality And Health for EU Policy, Helsinki, Finland, 12-13 June, 2007

In the Sixth Environment Action Programme the European Commission'scommitment to provide "an environment where the level of pollution does not giverise to harmful effects on human health and the environment", is clearly stated.The European Commission, with strong support from the Member States and theEuropean Parliament, has put forward the European Environment and HealthStrategy (the Strategy) in June 2003 (1). This integrated Strategy for Environment andHealth, known as the SCALE initiative, had the ultimate objectives to reduce thedisease burden caused by environmental factors in the EU, to identify and to preventnew health threats caused by environmental factors and to strengthen EU capacity forpolicymaking in this area. SCALE meant to be incremental in scope and to beimplemented in consecutive phases. It is based on Scientific evidence, focused onChildren and other vulnerable population groups, meant to raise Awareness, improvethe situation by use of Legal instruments and ensure a continual Evaluation of theprogress made.