The paper deals with the concept of passive house in relation to the inside environmentand compares passive house and bioclimatic design. Bioclimatic design is an integral partof eco building oriented interventions in the built environment. The main goal of thepassive house is to reduce heating energy consumption to less than 15 kWh/m2 per year.To reach this goal triple glazing is needed and consequently daylighting illumination isreduced. But the concept of alienating people from the natural environment is according tomany studies harmful to health and consequently to productivity. The external environmentis not by definition hostile to human beings; on the contrary, it can have simulative effectson body and mind. Daylight provides quality lighting, stimulates the sense of sight and isan important communication mode between the internal and external space. The constantchange of light improves concentration and responsiveness. The same holds true foracoustic environment, aural perception and sense of smell. The bioclimatic concept isbased on simultaneous adaptation to the external conditions as well as internal needs andrequirements. The closer the building is able to follow these two profiles and the better thecommunication coordination between them, the more efficient it is. The adaptive model ofthe built environment system represents the dynamic structure which performs in real timeconditions. The objective of the above described interventions in the framework ofbioclimatic design is healthy living and working environment with the lowest possibleenergy use, and not the lowest energy use based on the physiological minima.
Bibliographic info:
2nd EU FP6 Ecobuildings Symposium, City Hall Stuttgart, Germany, April 2008