Reports a study carried out to assess whether homeowners occupying more highly insulated houses have actually realised fuel savings over those realised by comparable homeowners in less heavily insulated houses. Describes method of the survey which included air leakage tests. Concludes that higher levels of insulation do reduce fuel consumption, that a high level of insulation does not change overall air leakage characteristics or relative humidity, that living habits and seasonal furnace efficiency taken together do play a strong part in heating consumption and that the lowering of indoor temperature does reduce heating bills sharply.
Effect of high levels of insulation on the heating fuel consumption of Canadian houses.

Bibliographic info:
Report for the HUDAC Technical Research Committee, Canada, Project T80-78-30 July 1979. 17p. 8 tabs. 4 figs. #DATE 01:07:1979 in English #AIC 348