In this paper, the change of energy use by telecommuting (working at home) is simulated for residential and office buildings by modeling the differences in the occupants’ behavior. By summing up these results, the change in annual energy use in Osaka City caused by the saturation of telecommuting is evaluated in three dissemination scenarios for the transformation of office buildings. The results indicate that telecommuting tends to increase energy consumption in the residential sector and to decrease it in the non-residential sector, and that it is possible to increase energy consumption if the floor area of office buildings is not decreased by sharing the space among telecommuters. If the floor area of an office building decreases with the increase of telecommuters, energy consumption will decrease by 0.6% of the total energy consumption of the residential and non-residential sectors in Osaka City at a 60% saturation level of telecommuting
Effect of telecommuting on energy consumption in residential and non-residential sectors

Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2007, Beijing, China