Results of an investigation of the effects of window position on the airflow characteristics for a typical bedroom setting in Taiwan are presented. Four different window positions were examined in the experiment which used a full-scale laboratory bedroom model with a single bed. A three-dimensional ultrasonic anemometer was used to measure airflow distribution and the results of flow measurements at two height levels are presented. Computer simulation of the airflow distribution was performed using the standard k-e turbulence model. The measurements and the computer calculations resulted in similar airflow distributions for all positions of window openings. Close congruence between the results of calculations and those of the measurements shows the validity of using such a computer simulation in the airflow design of a residential bedroom. The results also show that the positions of window openings have appreciable effects on the airflow distribution. Proper window position is therefore an important factor in the design of ventilation for a cross-ventilated bedroom.
Effects of window position on the air flow distribution in a cross-ventilated residential bedroom.

Bibliographic info:
Switzerland, Indoor and Built Environment, No 7, 1998, pp 300-307