The paper deals with a complete procedure for the calculation of material embodied energy inthe building sector using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach; the calculation of embodied energy for building material and components during the design phase takes into account both material durability and frequency of maintenance interventions. As a case study an evaluation of embodied energy for three different types of external walls is reported: external insulation coated, single stratum and multi strata. The described methodology has been developed as a part of BEEPS (Building Environmental and Energetic Performance System) programme, in cooperation with Italian Environmental Ministry.
Embodied Energy as Indicator of Building Environmental Behavior. Taking into Account Building Elements Durability
Bibliographic info:
23rd AIVC and EPIC 2002 Conference (in conjunction with 3rd European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings) "Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities", Lyon, France, 23-26 October 2002