Every time with major frequency grows the necessity of energy efficient buildings, adapted to their environment, which consume and contaminate as least as possible.In this study it has been analyzed and evaluated the thermal conditioning of two blocks of flats, a renovation one and a new one, taking advantage of the bioclimatic technologies and using renewable sources of energy. Both buildings have been constructed by the Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda y Suelo (EMVS) in the neighbourhoodof San Cristobal de los Angeles (Madrid).With this objective, it has been compared the thermal performance before and after the renovation of one of these buildings and it has been quantified the energy consumptions in both situations. The energetic evaluationof the houses allows knowing the thermal behaviourin real conditions of use, (Monitorization). This methodology consists in the installation of several sensorsin different places of each house as well as at the exterior of the building. The sensors record data of the most important variables in order to carry out balances to know the energetic behaviour.The thermal analysis of San Cristbal de los ngeles is realized by CIEMAT by request of EMVS as a part of the Regen Link Project, approved by 5 Framework Program for Technological Research and Development (R+D) sponsored by the T.R.E.N. General Department of the European Commission. This European program identifies clear guidelines for energetic adaptation and its principal aim is the reduction of the emission of CO2 and the improvement of energetic efficiency in operationsof urban regeneration .This study is also going to analyse the energetic behaviourof one building of new construction by performing simulation with dynamic simulation program.
Energetic Evaluation in Real Condition of Use of Housing

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007