A thermal comfort designer is especially concerned with creating an environment to improvethe physical, mental and psychical health of human beings. The general thermal state of thebody both in comfort and in heat or cold stress is dependent on an analysis of the heat balancefor the human body. Traditional methods of thermal analysis are based on the first law ofthermodynamics. By contrast, the second law of thermodynamics introduces the usefulconcept of exergy in the analysis. It enables the determination of the exergy consumptionwithin the human body and the dependence on human and environmental factors. The resultsshow that the lowest human body exergy consumption occurs at thermally neutral conditions;human body exergy consumption becomes higher in cold and hot environment. This approachalso enables the exergetical analysis of heating and cooling system in connection with thethermal comfort, providing the lowest exergy consumption for both the systems.
Energy analysis of the thermal comfort

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 665-670, 3 Fig.,10 Ref.