Approximately 300 low energy houses have been built in the Republic of Ireland by the multi-national CRH Plc and South Dublin County Council as part of a co-ordinated European Commission-supported demonstration project, RE-Start (Renewable Energies Strategies and Technology Applications for Regenerating Towns). Significant energy savings, reductions in environmental impact and improvements in indoor comfort conditions were the projects principal objectives, achieved through a broad range of passive and active renewable energy and energy conservation measures that have been incorporated in the design of the buildings and their sites, representing considerable performance improvements by comparison with homes built to the minimum requirements of the Irish Building Regulations.
Energy efficiency and renewables in new housing in Ireland
Bibliographic info:
23rd AIVC and EPIC 2002 Conference (in conjunction with 3rd European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings) "Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities", Lyon, France, 23-26 October 2002