The construction of a building with an optimized thermal and energy performance and anaccordingly low energy demand does not necessarily require higher investment costs. Thedecisive factor is an interdisciplinary and foresighted an Integrated Energy Design.Although this integrated approach prolongs the design process and increases the planningbudget, in return the construction time and the subsequent costs such as energy and operatingcosts are significantly reduced. A qualitative (using checklists) and quantitative assessment(calculation of heating and cooling demand, building energy simulation) is essential for theidentification of flaws in the design. In order to ensure the longevity of the quality of designbeyond the realisation of the project, guarantee models can be applied. This is a model of aslim integrated planning process, but applying this concept step by step should help toovercome the introduction barriers. The ecofacility consulting services should be the firststep.
Energy efficient service buildings with ecofacility: support for planners and building developers

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)