Recently, supplying glass space like atrium isbeing extended widely for introducing naturallight into a building, improving rest roomfunctions and having a pleasant workenvironment. However, some problems canoccur in atrium such as overheating andexcessive vertical temperature difference duringthe summer time, making people feel unpleasantand increase air conditioning load.This study targets that the air conditioning loadaccording to characteristics of the atrium'svarious windows can be expected throughbuilding energy performance evaluationanalysis. Esp-r was used for simulation toevaluate air conditioning energy load. Abuilding, which is located in Seoul, was selectedfor evaluating energy performance andmodeling. The analysis model was divided intothe main building and Atrium. Window 5.0 wasused to acquire optical datum which put intoEsp-r construction data base.As a simulation result, 1) Blue Low-e windowdecreased load 25% is most effective forreducing energy load.2) Solar radiation at each direction, eastern androof have relatively high, southern and northernwere not big.3) Eastern and roof surface had the remarkabletemperature increase during cooling period asincreasing cooling energy load.
Energy Performance Evaluation of an Atrium by Applying Various Window Conditions
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008