A significant part of existing educational buildings have to be retrofit in the next years inFrance. The economical, environmental and social requirements have increased with theinternational targets of reduction of greenhouse emission and sustainable development. Thus,retrofit scenarios have to reduce energy consumption and have to maintain a high quality ofindoor environment.However, various studies showed that measurements of energy savings, combined with animprovement of indoor air quality, are rarely applied in retrofitting, because of a lack ofknowledge of decision makers conecrning the potential improvements.In order to improve knowledge of these decision makers and for best results in retrofitting, wehave studied performance in retrofitting of several existing educational buildings, in RhneAlpes area. In particular, we have investigated energy savings (building envelop and systems)and indoor air quality (ventilation, pollutants) aspects in these case studies. Diagnosis,monitoring data and questionnaires have allowed to characterize the quality of indoor air andenergy savings of each building. With these studies, we have identified complex constraintsfor high perfrmance goals in retrofitting of educational buildings.In this paper, the results about five retrofitting of existing educational buildings are presented.They show quantitative and qualitative performance about indoor air quality and energysavings. Then, the significant difficulties for decision makers are exposed in order to improvethe future elaboration of retrofit scenarios in educational buildings sector.
Energy savings and indoor air quality in retrofitting of educational buildings

Bibliographic info:
25th AIVC Conference "Ventilation and retrofitting", Prague, Czech Republic, 15-17 September 2004