The objective of this research was to develop environment-friendly Hwangtoh binder for application of Hwangtoh for interior wall finishing materials in the housing. To mix with Hwangtoh powder, water soluble MPU resin with EVA, PVA, CaCO3 and inorganic fillers were designed. Far infrared ray irradiation, TVOC emission behavior, surface bonding strength and surface crack behavior were studied by comparing to epoxy/Hwangtoh blend as control. To utilize the advantage of Hwangtoh such as high absorbency, self-purification, deodorizing, sanitizing properties and radiation of far infrared rays in the filed of modern housing, this study was the foundation to develop environment-friendly binder for Hwangtoh.
Environment-friendly Hwangtoh composites using water soluble resin for interior materials

Bibliographic info:
31st AIVC Conference " Low Energy and Sustainable Ventilation Technologies for Green Buildings", Seoul, Korea, 26-28 October 2010