A good working environment will help to provide the user with a good sense of well-being,inspiration and comfort. The main advantages of good environments is in terms of reducedupgrading investment, reduced sickness absence, an optimum level of productivity andimproved overall satisfaction. Individuals respond very differently to their environments andresearch suggests a correlation between worker productivity and well-being, environmental,social and organizational factors. Research shows the occupants who report a high level ofdissatisfaction about their job are usually the people who suffer more work and officeenvironment related illnesses which affect their well-being, but not always so. Well-beingexpresses overall satisfaction. There is a connection between dissatisfied staff and lowproductivity; and a good sense of well-being is very important as it can lead to substantialproductivity gain. If the environment is particularly bad people will be dissatisfiedirrespective of job satisfaction. This paper describes research showing how environmentaffects productivity.
Environmental quality and the productive workplace

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 3, pp 262-266, 1 Tab., 23 Ref.