When carrying out pressure tests of models of multi-story buildings in The Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel, the external mean and RMS pressures are measured at 400 to 800 different locations over the building surface. The tests are originally carried out in order to determine the net wind loads for the design of cladding and glazing, but the results can also be used to estimate the internal pressures, and then calculate the air infiltration. Two mathematical models are used to estimate the wind-induced air infiltration in three multi-story buildings. One of the mathematical models is used to estimate the infiltration in the case that the internal pressure is optimally controlled (i.e.when the mean differential pressures all over the building surface equal zero) and the only infiltration will be that due to turbulence. The importance of including the turbulence in infiltration calculations is discussed. The effectiveness and potential advantages of carrying out these studies is referred to as well as the limitations presented by current practices.
Estimation of air infiltration in multi storey buildings using wind tunnel tests.

Bibliographic info:
8th AIVC Conference "Ventilation technology research and application" Ueberlingen, West Germany, 21-24 September 1987