Mendonça de Moraes C., LR da Fonseca R., Tribess A., Montanar franco I.
Bibliographic info:
CLIMA 2005 - 8th Rehva World Congress. High Tech, Low Energy : Experience the future of building technologies. Lausanne 9-12 October 2005 - pp 6 -

By means of a comparative study of thermal confort methods for a Brazilian reality using among many others authors Voght and Miller Chagas, Givoni, Fanger-Ashrae, Mahoney, Humphreys, Olgyay, methods, this undergoing study tries to show their particularities for the altitude tropical climate of for the city of So Paulo Brazil. This work intends to show the applicability of each method and point out the differences of acclimatation factors for local population. This theme is particularly important in a country with big variations os latitude and macroclimates as Brazil. Trying to establish the referential to determinate the possible interference of aclimatation factors the interfere on thermal comfort anaysis, it was made an option for the experimental evaluation by means of a questionary applied directly to the classroom student and with data on physical environment conditions of temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure. This present paper present preliminary results for thermo confort sensations specifically modeled by the FANGER-ISO methods.