Dessagne J M
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of the CLIMA 2000 World Congress on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, Copenhagen, 25-30 August 1985. Edited by P O Fanger. Vol 4. Indoor Climate. p53-57. 2 figs, 12 refs.

The air velocities and air temperatures distributions within the occupied zone of a room were determined and the wall surface temperatures were measured, in steady-state conditions. For each one of the 5 selected comfort criteria, and at every point of a three-dimensional network, a comfort index, derived from the physical measurements, characterizes the level of discomfort. The data is then synthesized in the form of a comfort profile, taking into account not only the frequency of the 5 types of discomfort, but their intensity as well. This was applied to a study of air diffusion in a full-size test room.