The present paper evaluates indoor thermal environment, cooling efficiency and energy consumption between a floor-based system and a ceiling-based system using a mock-up model in cooling period. The experimental chamber has a UFAC, underfloor air conditioning system and a ceiling-based system. And the experiments are set with practical internal load conditions including occupants, lighting units, and heat sources (office automation equipment). The following were compared and evaluated;
1) the vertical and horizontal temperature distribution,
2) vertical temperature gradient in occupied zone,
3) Vertical air flow direction and velocity,
4) PD, values at occupied area, and
5) Energy Consumption each experimental conditions.
Experimental Comparison of Thermal Environment between Ceiling-based and Floor-based System with CAV HVAC System
Bibliographic info:
RoomVent 2004, 9th international conference in University of Coimbra - Portugal, 5-8th september 2004, pp 6, 11 Fig., 2 Tab., 7 Ref.