Cavanna G, Daniotti B, Oliveri E, Varone G
Bibliographic info:
20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference "Ventilation and indoor air quality in buildings", Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-13 August 1999

The Building Components Technology Department of ICITE, the Central Institute forIndustrialization and Technology in Building of the Italian National Research Council hasstarted an experimental research on natural controlled ventilation devices.Today the air quality of an indoor environment may have several effects on our health, due tothe presence of polluting and extremely noxious agents in the places we most frequently use.That is the reason why ICITE has undertaken to develop a research and an experimentationstudy aimed at establishing a device for the controlled natural ventilation of domesticenvironments.In the report we will present the first experimental results about setting a calibrated opening toguarantee the needed air flow rate, independently of the pressure difference between indoorand outdoor environment. These results will be used as design characteristics to define thefinal solution for the prototype device.Another objective has focused on the technical and performance-oriented characteristics of thedevices that are already available on the Community market and on the regulative aspects forwhat concerns air healthiness in domestic environments.