Three buildings are investigated to study the indoor air quality and the impact of the outdoorair pollution. These buildings, a swimming pool, a school and a nursery are located in anurban area. So, during experimental studies, typical outdoor and indoor pollutants such ascarbon monoxyde, nitrogen dioxyde, carbon dioxyde, and total volatile organic compoundsare monitored. Also, the relative humidity and the temperature are carried out. The analysisallows us to reveal several points. Except for C02 and punctually TVOC, the recorded indoorpollutant concentrations are very low in comparison with standard values, despite thesymptoms and discomfort perceived by occupants.Moreover, thanks to the attenuation phenomenon, outdoor pollution has an insignificantimpact on the indoor air pollution. For these buildings, it seems that C02 or TVOC could bethe best parameters to use for demand control ventilation system.
Experimental studies of the air quality evaluation.

Bibliographic info:
20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference "Ventilation and indoor air quality in buildings", Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-13 August 1999