Nowadays, the necessity for the reservation ofcomfortable living conditions as well as energyefficiency in the buildings sector is more andmore emerging. Towards this direction, an expertmodel for the intelligent monitoring of theenergy efficiency in conventional buildings hasbeen developed. A description of this modelwill be the aim of this paper. The general philosophyof the model is based on the principlesof the Building Energy Management Systems(BEMS). The innovation lies on the usage ofan appropriate experienced decision supportunit, which supplements the main componentsof BEMS, making a diagnosis of the internalconditions for each situation. Through the experience,the unit decides about the necessaryinterventions, giving thus the suitable commandsto the devices activators. The model wasapplied to an office building of a Greek companywith satisfactory results.
An expert model for monitoring building’s operations via BEMS
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007