The paper deals with on-site measurements of energy benefits resulting from exploitation of a solar greenhouse, which was created in the attic under the southward-oriented glazed roof for pre-heating of the ventilating air.This conception of the solar energy utilisation is used in the residential complex of the senior citizen home in Svitavy, 60 km north of Brno. Based on the data collected with the use of an automation monitoring system during the heating season 2001-2002, the main characteristics of the investigated solar greenhouse operation were established. The maximum temperatures exceed 20C on sunny winter days, with temperature difference between outdoor and inner temperature approx. 25 K, and so the preheated air can be used directly for warm-air heating. Resulting benefits are dependent on the time and way of operation. Nevertheless, experience of other similar applications (e.g. solar energy facades, see Jaros et al., 2004) shows, that the annual energy savings up to 10 % of the total heat consumption of the building can be reached this way.
Exploitation of solar greenhouse in ventilation system of building

Bibliographic info:
25th AIVC Conference "Ventilation and retrofitting", Prague, Czech Republic, 15-17 September 2004