Before starting a French nationwide survey, a pilot study was conducted in 2001 on 90dwellings in three geographical areas (North, East and South of France). This survey includedmeasurements on 40 priority indoor parameters (VOC, NO2, CO, CO2, bacteria, moulds,allergens, MMMF, temperature, humidity) and questionnaires on building characteristics,occupants description and time activity diaries. The paper focuses on the chemical levelsfound in dwellings. Volatile organic compounds (30 compounds including formaldehyde,acetaldehyde, BTEX) were measured by passive samplers, during 7 days, in kitchen, bedroomand outdoor from selected homes. Indoor concentrations were low, with 40% of values underthe quantification limit. The range of values was wide. The maximum indoor concentrationsmeasured in the kitchen were 400 g/m3 (alpha-pinene, o-xylene) and 293 g/m3 (1,4-dichlorobenzne) in the bedroom. Formaldehyde was frequently found varying form 2 to 75g/m3. The outdoor concentrations were lower than indoor concentrations. Measurements inthe kitchen and bedroom were significantly correlated.
French permanent survey on indoor air quality microenvironmental concentrations of volatile organic compounds in 90 French dwellings
Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 349-354, 3 Tab., 10 Ref.