This paper attempts to provide a general basis for implementing the principles of pressure differentials to aid in providing more user friendly air quality in buildings. This is a new technology application to be added to the commonly used air changes and filtering for cleaner air. The success story of smoke control can now be used as a major strategy against pollution and disease control in buildings. Stale bacteria-infiltrated air can also be contained to its spaces of origin and exhausted from its sources in the building. Unless carried in a box, smoke won't move from a low pressure space to a higher pressure. This paper attempts to stimulate a more precise and more complete use of pressurization concept as used in smoke control. Slight, purposeful air flows for pressurization arrangements can be important contributions. It is just too easy and inexpensive to leave undone.
A general primer pressure gradients against disease, weather, smoke.

Bibliographic info:
in: "Progress in Modern Ventilation", Proceedings of Ventilation 2000, Volume 2, proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Ventilation for Contaminant Control, held Helsinki, Finland, 4-7 June 2000, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health