The increasing number of heat recovery devices in ventilation systems for residential buildings leads to the necessity for a standard test procedure. In this paper the main examination criteria are stated. The test facilities todetermine the efficiencies and the air leakage of heat recovery devices are specified. The test procedure used is described. Results from different heat recovery units indicate the suitability of the developed test equipment.
Heat recovery devices in ventilation systems. Warmeruckgewinner in raumlufttechnischen anlagen.
Bibliographic info:
Luftung im Wohnungsbau: Tagungsbericht zum Statusseminar am 4 und 5 April 1984 im Bauzentrum Munchen = Air Infiltration and Ventilation in Residential Buildings. Edited by L Trepte, A LeMarie. Cologne:Verlag TUV Rheinland, 1984. p347-367. 5 figs, 3 tabs.